Discover How To Build and Strengthen Your leadership Skills
If you are ready to lead your team with confidence and clarity, and you want to develop the skills to manage your team successfully, then this program is for you. There are two things every great leader needs, confidence and effective communication skills. You must be able to communicate confidently, push back on unreasonable demands, and confidently have the difficult conversations.
With The Leadership Accelerator Program, you would get from the point of doubt and frustration to the place of clarity and success. You would feel more confident and comfortable leading and managing people. Your ability to connect with others would dramatically improve with this program.
One thing successful leaders have are coaches, strategists, or mentors who not only problem solves with them, but also hold them accountable. With this program, you would have an accountability partner and a strategist by your side.
“You judge yourself based on what you can do but others judge you based on:
-what you say and how you say it
-what you do and how you do it"
Strategy Process
In The Leadership Accelerator program, you will learn the winning strategies so that you can problem-solve any future challenges and overcome mindset blocks. It is simple, effective, and replicable.
As you move out of your comfort zones to conquer greater heights, there would be occasions where your confidence waivers. With my program, you would learn the strategies to overcome the challenges.
The Leadership Accelerator program is an 8-week program that would teach to embrace your strengths and to lead your team with confidence and clarity.
Week 1.
Understand your challenges, fears, and limiting beliefs
The focus fo the week is to identify your current challenge and other blocks that stand in the way.
Week 2.
Embrace Your Vision
You will nail down your vision and identify what you need to achieve your vision.
Week 3.
Understand your style of communication
You will get an overview of communication model and understand what to consider when communicating.
Week 4.
The Art of Persuasion
The focus is to identify what you can do to connect with others as you interact with them.
Week 5.
Having Difficult Conversations
This module focuses on tips for managing difficult conversations and conflicts.
Week 6.
Creating Positive Work Environment
Focuses on creating a work environment that boost productivity including when working with contractors.
Week 7.
Creating Connections
This module will emphasizes forming the human connections that leads to better outcomes.
Week 8.
Recap and Review
A review previous weeks, what to focus on to move forward and sustain the improvements gained.
Here’s What You’ll Get
50 Minute Road-Mapping Sessions
We will start with by figuring out what your goals are, what you would want to achieve by the end of the program and going forward.
The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) found that you have a 65% chance of accomplishing a goal if you commit to someone else. If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to, your chances increase to up to 95%.
We will meet one-on-one weekly to review your progress, solve for roadblocks and discuss the following week.
Some things can’t wait until a weekly call. I’m available during the week via email, and you’ll get a response within a few hours.
Oyinkan is the Chief Strategist at Bold and Ageless LLC, a personal development firm. I work with individuals to improve their confidence and communication skills.
She facilitates training and workshops for organizations. The greatest asset of any business or organization has is its employees. So if you want to run a successful business, your employees must believe they are part of your team and must be confident enough to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. No better way to achieve this other than to invest in your employees- from the heart to head.
Oyinkan enjoys igniting people's imagination about the possibilities they can achieve so that they are motivated to take action and enjoy the process.
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